Race results

Race results

Enter the official time and distance for your races so that you can compare your race times in the evaluation.

If you indicate your ranking for the competition, Tredict automatically calculates your relative ranking to the total number of participants.

In running competitions, the age graded performance shows you how to evaluate your performance compared to the athletes elite.

To be able to enter race results, mark the corresponding activity as a race by clicking on the button "Mark as race" in the activity view.

If you have pre-marked a planned activity as a competition, the corresponding completed activity is automatically marked as a competition.

Mark activity as a competition.
Mark activity as a competition.

Official distance

The official distance is the officially advertised distance of the race. It allows the correct comparison of the competitions with each other.

Official time

The official time is the officially measured time, which is in the certificate or result list of the competition.


The total ranking or the ranking by age group and gender, in combination with the number of participants, can be used to calculate the relative ranking. 

Relative ranking

To see how well you did in the competition compared to your fellow competitors, you can use the relative ranking. With a relative ranking of 10%, you ended up in the best tenth of the race. A smaller percentage is therefore better. 

Age group comparison

The age group comparison is only possible for running.

The age group comparison provides you with an easy-to-understand and accurate way of comparing your performance with the best in the world.

Age graded performance

To see how you stand in relation to the competition elite at the distance practiced and in your age group, look at the age graded performance. An age graded performance level of 100% means that you are just as good as the elite of your age. 
The age graded performance is calculated from official distance and time in combination with the age you had on the day of the competition. The basis of the calculation are the Age Graded Tables.

The level of performance in the competitions is unfortunately going down, but peaked in 2019.
The level of performance in the competitions is unfortunately going down, but peaked in 2019.
Time at top performing age

The most powerful age in terms of speed is, depending on the distance, between 15-28 years. This time illustrates what time you would have run at the most powerful age with the age graded performance achieved on the day of the competition. 

Time at the present age

If the competition was already over a year ago, you can see how you would compete now, if the age graded performance has remained the same. 

Race VO2max

The VO2max of a completed race is of particular importance as this VO2max was measured under high stress and can therefore be used for comparison and to calculate future race times. 

Race VO2max for calculating future race times
Race VO2max for calculating future race times