Zones are an important part of the exact intensity control of your activities.
A zone model can have as many zones as you want, with each zone associated with a low, moderate, or high intensity level.
A moderate or high intensity has a greater impact on the effort calculation.
Read the blog article: How the zones influence the effort
Whether effort is calculated from the heart rate zone, power zone or pace zone,
you can set the settings using the zone priority.
See: Which zone priority chain is right for me?
The cadence zone helps you to classify the variability of an activity or to determine your running style.
Zones are available for running, cycling, swimming and miscellaneous activities.
Zone revisions
A zone revision enables you to define the zone model for a certain period, even retrospectively, without having to influence the effort and intensity distribution of past training sessions.
A revision only affects those activities that fall within the period of the revision date.
That way Tredict allows you a granular control and evaluation of your training course. The temporal training evaluation of the efficiencies and capacities and the zone revision are in a reciprocal relationship.
For best analysis, it is necessary to re-evaluate your zones from time to time and adapt them to your current fitness level. With each reevaluation cycle you create a new revision. In the analysis, you also have an exact overview of the revision history of your zones.

Zone models
An example of a common zone model with zone names and intensities (without individual values):
- Low Intensity - Very Light Effort - Long Light and Relaxed Workouts
- Low Intensity - Light Effort - Light and Possibly Long Workouts
- Moderate Intensity - Low Moderate Effort - Avoidance Range I
- Moderate Intensity - High Moderate Effort - Threshold I / Tempo I
- High Intensity - Strenuous - Threshold II / Tempo II
- High Intensity - Challenging - Avoidance Range II
- High Intensity - Very Strenuous - Interval Range
The exact composition of the zone model depends on many factors. The most important factors are training theory used, maximum heart rate, lactate threshold value, functional threshold value of power and pace. All are crucial when defining your zone model.
Tredict does not want to push you in any particular direction, because all models known to us have corners and edges and you should take these only as a reference point for your own individual model, which you can develop with time and experience.
Zone templates

Through different zone templates you can easily fill your zone revision.
The values of the template are defined by base values like Lactate Threshold, Functional Threshold Power and Maximum Heart Rate. If these base values change in your capacity, you can create a new zone revision using the template.
You can choose from simple templates with 3 intensity classifications, but also more complex templates that allow for polarizing training.